Welcome to the Hermanus Rainbow Trust
A leading provider of comprehensive "community and social development" services and support to hundreds of orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged families living in the poverty ravaged communities of the Overstrand, since 1999.
The Hermanus Rainbow Trust's head office is in Hermanus, with satellite support centres in Buffelsjag. Gansbaai, Zwelihle, Stanford and Kleinmond, covering a wide area from Betty's Bay to Buffelsjag.
Our Vision is "To rebuild the fabric of society in the poverty ravaged communities of the Overstrand."
The Business - Rainbow Trust
Community Support PARTNERSHIP"
The Hermanus Rainbow Trust (HRT) was founded in 1999 and provides comprehensive "Community and Social Development" Services and Support to hundreds of Orphans, Vulnerable Children and disadvantaged single parent families and child-headed households. We cover 5 poverty ravaged communities in the Overstrand region in the Western Cape.
As we move into the winter of 2019 our focus is not only on our 5 main "community and social development" programs (see below) but HOW we can support our orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged families by eliminating poverty, hunger and malnutrition and keep them safe and warm.
Over the last few years there has been an alarming and terrifying escalation of gang activities, horrific drug infiltration and the related incidences of rape of young girls on top of the associated serious crimes, including murder, assault, domestic violence and the abuse of women and children.
The Rainbow Trust is totally reliant on funding and donations and the generous support of our businesses and compassionate individuals, for which all of our children and families are extremely grateful.
Unfortunately in the current economic climate and the critical new challenges we have, we are battling to provide our children the support and services they need.
We understand that we are all battling in this difficult economic climate, BUT we are asking everyone living and working in the Overstrand to consider making a small monthly contribution that will enable us to take care of our children that are totally dependent on us to survive.
Investing the cost of "One-Meal-Out" a month into the support and the future of our children will not only make a huge difference in their lives BUT far more importantly, will prevent them from being forced into joining a "gang" to survive. Your investment can help us fight crime in the communities we serve which will ultimately benefit all of us living and working in the Overstrand.
This as we all know is a downward spiral of drugs, crime, devastation and ultimately jail time.
PLEASE Consider making a small monthly donation - or a "one-off" donation will be truly appreciated.
DRUGS - the Crime Catalyst.
For a small monthly investment, I am appealing to ALL our viewers and businesses to join the "Business - Rainbow Trust - Community Support PARTNERSHIP" which will enable the HRT to continue to provide the critical support needed to protect and keep our children safe by providing educational presentations to schools highlighting the problems and also providing the children sports and after school activities, as well as securing our community centres.
We have a TARGET 0f R30,000.00 per month. PLEASE SUPPORT OUR CHILDREN and FAMILIES !
Please Donate .......
It is IMPORTANT to note that any donation made to the HRT, a registered Public Benefit Organisation (PBO - 130001054) is tax deductible and qualifies towards the BEE - SED Codes of Good Practice. Unlike Corporate Social Investment, Socio Economic Development (SED) is a means to support poverty ravaged communities and has a score of 5 on the BEE Scorecard.
Find our how you can provide hundreds of Orphans, Vulnerable Children ans Disadvantaged Families with HOPE and OPPORTUNITY. More .....
"Community and Social Development" Services and Support.
To achieve our Vision we provide community and social development services and support through 5 programmes.
Our flagship programme is "Parenting Worx", a world class holistic parenting, life-skills and "early childhood development" programme that was developed jointly with Stellenbosch University.
The "Children's Circle of Support" programme caters specifically for our orphans and vulnerable children.
Our "HIV / AIDS Awareness and Prevention" programme focuses on both adult and children's support groups, and caters for people living with AIDS.
"Sponsor a Child" is a sponsorship programme catering for both orphans and vulnerable children who desperately need assistance to survive.
The Zwelihle Pre-primary is a Grade R school in Zwelihle with 96 children, mainly for children living in Zwelihle.
Critical Activities to Alleviate Poverty
To achieve our Vision and Mission we offer 5 comprehensive "community and social development" programmes, however within these programmes we have 5 critical activities that enable us to eliminate malnutrition, hunger, child mortality, and poverty in general.
These 5 critical activities include:
- Feeding
- Clothing
- Supporting
- Protecting
- Educating
We are appealing to all our viewers and local BUSINESSES in the Overstrand region to make a donation in our time of need !
To all our
Friends in the Overstrand

The Challenges of Living in a Poverty Ravaged Community.
The living conditions in these communities are generally poor, for example in Zwelihle there are over 18,000 living in small shacks with no fresh water, electricity or sewerage available in the shacks. The unemployment levels are very high (71%) and the literacy levels low, with 59% earning less than R1,200 per month and 4% not having any form of income at all. It is estimated that 45% are “infected” with HIV.

However the reality is that virtually every family is “affected” by HIV in one way or another. Tragically this is further aggravated by widespread crime, gangs, drugs, violence, rape, teenage pregnancies, HIV, neglect and the abuse of women and children.
These devastating conditions have resulted in the breakdown of family structures causing single parent families and “child-headed” households with hundreds of orphans, vulnerable children and disadvantaged families.