Clothing Programmes
With the reduction in funding we currently have one formal "Clothing Programme" which is our "Sponsor a Child" programme.
Every November before out Grade R School has it's "Graduation Day" we buy school uniforms for the children.
During winter we buy jersey's and coats for the children and blankets as well.
Recycled Clothing
We are very fortunate that we get donations of used clothing throughout the year, which include adults, children and baby clothing.
The Adults and baby clothing is distributed through our weekly "Parenting Worx" programme and the children's clothing is distributed through our "Children's Circle of Support" programme during the after-school activities.
Please Donate Clothing
Please consider donating any old clothes to the Rainbow Trust.
Call Sharon and we will collect in Hermanus and Stanford. 028 312 2748
Extra Funding
If we had additional funding we would be able to restart the other Clothing programmes we had in 2015/16.